Monday, October 15, 2012

a chase on the chessboard.

If elixir was sought for eternity, Pawn was craved for security. Chessville was nothing without Pawn. Pawn was the one who shielded King and warded Queen. His absence from the castle was forbidden. The fact that he was enormously valued and needed by the denizens of Chessville, especially the royals, boosted his confidence and vanity. One day, Pawn’s fatigue managed to get Pawn’s well-wrapped defense leaked, and made his faint. Pawn found the situation hazardously strange. He suggested King to hire a group of sinewy young men to be enlisted into army. Pawn convinced King that Chessville would be disastrously ruined if it only depended on him. Pawn’s proposal was accepted and taken into actions. Initially, the benefit was great. However, since there were more soldiers recruited into to the defense department, Pawn started to feel ostracized. King and Queen no longer gave him their best glances. Quantity triumphantly banished quality.

If Pawn turned to hermitage after left in disappointment, Knight participated in socialization to find betterment. At the beginning, he tried to not pull his late father’s hereditary sword out of its sheath. He tried to live an infamous life with the money earned from his little stable. His father was a renowned warrior who married a wrong woman. People called Knight’s mom “Genuivere” for the bankruptcy she caused to the father. The story was well-spread around Chessville. Hence, Knight never enjoyed the privileges that his friends, Baron and Baroness received from the aristocrats. One day he realized that living with sorrels and mules would never bring him anywhere; the more he embroiled himself in the feces of horses, the more stains he would get all over his face. He decided to serve King in the castle. 

If Christ was believed to be the son of God, Bishop was regarded the son of saint. The citizens of Chessville would happily attend any events in which Bishop sermonized. People love Bishop for his fundamentalism. They believe Bishop was sent by God to inspire everyone. Everyone in Chessville took Bishop as their motivation. Besides that, being an evangelist did not only grant him a ship to heaven, but also a horse tram to palace. He was posed the best title by King for a few years. King wanted Chessville to be the land of divinity and the center of purgatory. He took Bishop’s advices without much hesitation. A few cathedrals were built to commemorate Bishop. Bishop was very influential in Chessville until recession began. People called him bigot instead of bishop. They all preferred to find money to fix the plummeted economy.

If Atlas could hold the world high on his shoulders, Rook could ram the wall of coliseum without the help of sledgehammers. He always thought and walked straight. He never let his tragic memories hold him back. He hated those who never moved on. Rook’s complete throttlehold over the enemies of his village drew the attention of King. Rook once performed castling to salve King from the poisonous arrow of Philoctetes. This made him a permanent dweller in the castle of Chessville. Both King and Queen admired his robustness. They paid Rook to lead the army of Chessville and beseeched him to stay next to their room. Financial vantage was not the only thing that Rook received from the royals. He also gained sensual benefit. The position of Rook’s room in the castle was merely a masquerade of his affair with Queen.

If King bought Queen a diamond necklace, Queen would usually be pleased. King actually did so but this time Queen was not pleased. Queen said she was in her period, but in fact she was in ‘Rook’ mode. She sewed a navy blue handkerchief for him, bathed with him when King is absent, and imprisoned Rook’s wife to trounce competition. King of course never noticed that at the beginning. He only knew that the queen was barren and incapable of taming others, including her own Persian cat. He knew that the Queen had long blonde hair and unblemished skin. He knew that Queen loved tiara. Not more than that. The king only found out about the affair after accidentally stepped on Queen’s brooch in Rook’s room. He asked one of the Eunuchs about it and then led to another discovery; Rook’s dagger under his own bed. The King was extremely infuriated by that. He ordered for immediate imprisonment for both Rook and Queen. In the end, Rook was castrated and Queen was crucified.

If the news saddened the family of Rook, it somehow glorified Eunuch. Though he had never been in the official game, he had already won the heart of King. He was right to be a Eunuch. He knew it would be his ultimate escapade from the constant degradation and poverty that he was in before. Queen’s unnecessary sexual advances and humiliating defeat sanctified the progress in Eunuch’s mission. He gained his access to the places that he used to be in the past. He was the forgotten pawn who happened to transcend the stairs of royalty again.

If Socrates was smart, Eunuch was smarter. He chose Knight to be his evil mate because he knew that Knight was the only person who never moved backward. He bribed the forgotten bishop to start a slander against the king. He brainwashed Rook to commence a personal vendetta. King was finally dethroned after charged for wrong teachings in Christianity and power abuse. Bishop gained the people’s support he needed through his speeches. Then Rook and Knight took over the military department. In the end, the ultimate throne went to the hand of Eunuch. Eunuch was enthroned the new king of Chessville. He changed his fugacious nihility into eternal existence. He was no longer one of the pawns. He did not become the queen of Chessville. He became the king.

If Eunuch finally had everything, King finally had nothing. He knew if he did nothing he would never be something. The problem was he had nothing to be anything. At that moment he knew he was unequivocally checkmated.

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